Sunday 28 July 2013

Are German as professional as they seem ?

Everyone knows German as Experts and serious people,


This is a question many coworkers with Germans asked themselfes after knowing the layers of German lifestyle better .

Of Course, what stands for "made in Germany", means high-quality products, which means professional people are doing the best out of theyre job at the specific moment of the day. What happens next is unknown to most of us. We just know them as professionals engineers comming with new improovements to our daily-used-products, like the dental hygene products, household products tech products and gadgets.

Who knows how German behave in public places shoud be aware of theyre "seriousness" in relaxing places, like clubs, bars, the huge "Zelten" at Munich`s world known beer festival etc.
Serious engineers enjoing free time after work

What is to admire is that its folk did theyre best to export the positive aspects of theyre existence ever since Medieval Ages.

Since founding of Prusia and the Holy Roman Empire (of Germany`s name during Iluminist Age), Handwerkers-, Handelsman and Adlertum [craftsmen, traders and nobility] disperssed German Illuminist Ideology through-out Europe. This exchance of ideals influenced in that time not only the
Declaration of Independence in America,
but also French elite: Philosopers, Aristocracy and 'la Creme de la Creme' of the rising middle class to come to the basis ideea of the entire petitions that triggered the French Revolution: 

Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood. 

So the Frence revolution started as civical responce to the Iluminist`s ideals that Emanuel Kant W. Goethe and other  German writers started, respective continued to distribute.

Without German Phylosophie, the French revolution would have not exist, or would have been delayed. That explains whay they are nowdays 'so idealistic' (schoolled professionals), they trend to exceed theyre limits in creating or perfecting technologies (whichone it doesn`t matter).

Of course, comming back to German favourite time to relax, you can see a CEO, Manager, Professor and Engineer sitting in a Zelt at a beer festival, or at a terrace in every city/town. 
And when it comes to professional parties, nothing compares to South-Germany Greatest beer festival Oktoberfest, where organisation is the key of succes (the tipically favourite motto for real German people).

when it comes to professional parties, nothing compares to Oktoberfest where 

''organisation is the key of succes'' (tipically favourite motto for real people)

After all, people have to rest after a labourious week of hard and stresfull jobs !
For German this is like a perfect gift for there work.
German never change !

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Germany's next top Model

Welcome back, we are never tired to hear stories about this succesfull TV-series.


has became a brand here in Germany, because every teenage girl wants to look like Heidi Clumm.
This phenomen is getting more and more expansion in this young minds and conquer theyre souls, hoping one day they will be spoted by a succesfull entempreneur or a fashionhouse.

Girls with no talent and skills, but with beauty and guts take over inhibition and conquer the scenes of tiktok, instagram becomeing influencers, while the ones popular on youtuber and twitch will hope to become succesful streamers.

It's also the medias and commercial community fault,  that they sustain this excess
of ``good looking´´, ``trendy <Kleider>`` and wish for ``fortune and fame`` in theyre uncooked dreams.

Here are some pretty young examples :

[example will come up the next week]

Posting lifeframes of Germanys best

Welcome to my photo album blog, where you can discover another type of Germany, just befor your eyes.
They say German people have many steretypes, are concervatory, organized, strict, exactly puctual, sever, ambitious and performant.

But I'll show you some interesting photos where these '''colours'' of german life are the opposite.


----#+*'^'^ WELLCOME TO GERMANY&CO ^'^'*+#----

^^^^+++------ THE LAND OF EXTREMES -------+++^^^^^-

--- `` THE LAND OF JOYFULL LIFE`` ------

-----++++   ´´ THE LAND OF BEST MANAGEMENT ``     ++++------
-----++++   '' THE LAND OF CRISIS MANAGEMENT ''     ++++----
----++++   '' THE LAND OF ANGELA MERKEL''     ++++----
------++++    '' THE BUNDESLAND DIVIDED POPULATION ''    ++++---